__DBN: Identification of significant regulatory networks by dynamical Bayesian network model.

* Last updated: March 28, 2013

Welcome to our website! This is the supporting webpage for our paper "A Gaussian Graphical Model for Identifying Significantly Responsive Regulatory Networks from Time Series Gene Expression Data". Any questions, please contact Dr. Zhi-Ping Liu by zpliuATsibs.ac.cn.

Note: You can use and redistribute our data and code if you accept GNU General Public License (GPL). 


* A Gaussian Graphical Model for Identifying Significantly Responsive Regulatory Networks from Time Course High Throughput Data. Liu Z.P., Zhang W., Horimoto K. and Chen L. in submission, 2013.

!!!Supplementary Webpage:

* [Supp.zip|DBN/Supp.zip]

Category: [Supplementary]