__ADR__: Detecting and analyzing differentially activated pathways in brain regions of Alzheimer's disease patients * Last updated: Jan 29, 2011 !!!Introduction Welcome to our website! This is the supplementary materials webpage for our paper "Detecting and analyzing differentially activated pathways in brain regions of Alzheimer's disease patients". In this paper, we have identified the dysfunctional pathways of protein interactions in six AD brain regions. We regarded the dysfuctional pathways are those cooperatively interacted proteins which corresponding genes are differential expressed and closed related. We provided a novel scheme to integrate interactome and transcriptome information by Fisher's method. You can find the supporting materials or other resources which referred in the paper. The processing data, the results are also listed here. Pay attention to the users: You can use and redistribute the data and code if you accept GNU General Public License (GPL) . !!!References * Zhi-Ping Liu, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Weiming Xia, and Luonan Chen: Detecting and analyzing differentially activated pathways in brain regions of Alzheimer's disease patients. Molecular BioSystems: DOI:10.1039/C0MB00325E, 2011. !!!Data and code: * [Files:ADR/adregion.htm] ---- There are [{org.goodjava.plugin.hitcounter.HitCounter}] visitors since February 1, 2011