__CellCycleModule: Phenotype-based responsive modules of yeast cell cycle.

* Last updated: June 1, 2012

Welcome to our website! This is a data webpage for our paper "Identifying responsive modules by mathematical programming: an application to budding yeast cell". Any questions, please contact Zhi-Ping Liu by zpliuATsibs.ac.cn.

Note: You can use and redistribute our gene expression data if you accept GNU  General Public License (GPL). 


* Identifying responsive modules by mathematical programming: an application to budding yeast cell. Wen Z, Liu ZP, Yan Y, Piao G, Liu Z, Wu J and Chen L. PLoS ONE, 7(7): e41854, 2012.


* [Cell Cycle Data|CellCycle/CellCycleData.rar]

Category: [Supplementary]