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HotSpot: Prediction of hot spots in protein interfaces using a random forest model with hybrid features

  • Last updated: May 14, 2011


This is a supporting materails webpage for our paper "Prediction of hot spots in protein interfaces using a random forest model with hybrid features". In the paper, we present a novel random forest model for hot spot prediction. It effectively integrates hybrid features which incorporates a wider range of information of the target residue and its two neighbor residues, i.e., the nearest contact residue in the other face (mirror-contact residue) and the nearest contact residue in the same face (intra-contact residue). The dataset, source code and supporting materials are available here.


  • Wang L, Liu ZP, Chen L and Zhang XS: Prediction of hot spots in protein interfaces using a random forest model with hybrid features. In Submission.

Data and Code#

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« This particular version was published on 14-May-2011 14:56 by ZhipingLiu.