!PRNAinter: Prediction of protein-RNA interactions using sequence and structure descriptors

•Last updated: Oct 26, 2016


Welcome to our website! This is an webpage for our paper "Prediction of protein-RNA interactions using sequence and structure descriptors". In the paper, we proposed a bioinformatics method for predicting protein-RNA interactions based on both sequence and structure descriptors of protein and RNA. The source code and data used in this paper can be available here. Pay attention to the users: You can use and redistribute the data and code if you accept GNU General Public License (GPL).

Any question, please contact me via zpliu AT sdu.edu.cn. 


•Zhi-Ping Liu, Hongyu Miao: Prediction of protein-RNA interactions using sequence and structure descriptors. Neurocomputing, Vol.206:28-34, 2016.

!!!Supplementary Webpage:

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