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SANA: protein Structure Alignment by Neighborhood Alignment


SANA is an algorithm for the alignment of two proteins. Specifically, core regions in two protein structures are first aligned by identifying connected components in a network of neighboring, geometrically compatible aligned fragment pairs (AFPs). The initial alignments then are refined through a multi-objective optimization method. The algorithm can produce both sequential and non-sequential alignments.


  • Lin Wang, Ling-Yun Wu, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen. SANA: an algorithm for sequential and non-sequential protein structure alignment. Submitted to Amino Acid.


This version of the program is in very preliminary stage and provided just for testing purpose. The program is still under development.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
SANA.rar 60.4 kB 1 14-May-2011 21:47 LingyunWu
Supplementary_Data.rar 219.9 kB 1 14-May-2011 21:47 LingyunWu
« This particular version was published on 13-Jul-2009 11:46 by LingyunWu.