[{TableOfContents}] !!!List of Services # [Haplotyping Library] # [Ensemble Pail|App:EnsemblePail] # [Network Ontology Analysis (NOA)|App:NOA] # [CNetQ|App:CNetQ] # [CNetA|App:CNetA] ---- !!!Resource Collections !!Haplotyping * [Haplotyping Library]: A collection of resources on Computational Haplotyping Problems ---- !!!Web Applications !!Prediction of Protein Post-Translational Modification * [Ensemble Pail|App:EnsemblePail]: Lysine Acetylation sites prediction using ensembles of Support Vector Machine classifiers !!Network Ontology Analysis * [Network Ontology Analysis (NOA)|App:NOA]: A freely available collection of Gene Ontology tools aiming to analyze functions of gene network instead of gene list !!Network Alignment and Querying * [CNetQ|App:CNetQ]: Conditional random fields based Network Querying tool * [CNetA|App:CNetA]: Conditional random fields based Network Alignment tool !!Drug repositioning # [NetPredATC: Network predicting drug’s ATC code|NetPredATC] # [PreDR: Drug Repositionning by Data integration|PreDR] !!Biomarker identification by optimization # [ellipsoidFN: a tool for identifying a heterogeneous set of cancer biomarkers based on gene expressions|ellipsoidFN]