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DGPsubNet: Drug-Gene-Disease coherent SUBNETworks

  • Version 0.0.1
  • Last updated: Oct. 12, 2013


  • Lin Wang, Yong Wang, Qinghua Hu and Shao Li. Exploring drug-gene-disease coherent subnetworks for revealing drug-disease associations. In submission.


How to analyze transcriptional response data to identify meaningful gene modules shared by both drugs and diseases is still a critical issue to elucidate the molecular basis of drug-disease associations.


Here, we propose the drug-gene-disease coherent subnetwork concept to group the biological function related drugs, diseases and genes. Based on disease-related and drug-induced transcriptional response profiles, we develop a multiple non-negative matrix factorization method to identify drug-gene-disease coherent subnetworks. Additional heterogeneous data are simultaneously integrated in a regularized manner. Meanwhile, the sparsity penalties are employed to achieve modular solutions.


This version of the program is in very preliminary stage and provided just for testing purpose. The program is still under development.


Category: Supplementary Software

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
DGPsubNet.rar 155,271.6 kB 1 13-Oct-2013 04:51 YongWang
zip 414.1 kB 2 01-Nov-2013 06:08 YongWang
« This particular version was published on 01-Nov-2013 06:08 by YongWang.