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PDZ: A Sequence-based Computational Approach to Predicting PDZ Domain-Peptide Interactions

  • Last updated: March 20, 2013


Welcome to our website! This is a webpage for our paper "A Sequence-based Computational Approach to Predicting PDZ Domain-Peptide Interactions". In this paper, we proposed a support vector machine-based predictor using dipeptide composition to qualitatively predict PDZ domain-peptide interaction with a high accuracy rate. Our method improves the prediction results significantly and it will highly benefit the research of drug target and drug design in identifying PDZ domain-ligand interactions. Pay attention to the users: You can use and redistribute the data and code if you accept GNU General Public License (GPL).


  • Nakariyakul S, Liu ZP and Chen L. A Sequence-based Computational Approach to Predicting PDZ Domain-Peptide Interactions. in submission.

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ModifiedBIRS.rar 129.4 kB 1 27-Mar-2013 01:24 ZhipingLiu
« This particular version was published on 27-Mar-2013 01:23 by ZhipingLiu.