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This page (revision-10) was last changed on 22-Jun-2016 23:09 by LingyunWu

This page was created on 11-Nov-2012 23:10 by LingyunWu

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* Last updated: November 11, 2012
* Last updated: June 22, 2016
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Corbi is a [R|] package for bioinformatics analysis. Currently it includes the following functions:
* CNetQ: network querying method based on conditional random fields
* CNetA: network alignment method based on conditional random fields
Corbi is a [R|] package for bioinformatics analysis. Currently it includes the following tools:
* [CNetQ]: network querying method based on conditional random fields
* [CNetA]: network alignment method based on conditional random fields
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* Qiang Huang, Ling-Yun Wu, Xiang-Sun Zhang. [An Efficient Network Querying Method Based on Conditional Random Fields|], Bioinformatics, 27(22): 3173-3178, 2011.
* Qiang Huang, Ling-Yun Wu, Xiang-Sun Zhang. [An efficient network querying method based on conditional random fields|]. Bioinformatics, 27(22):3173-3178, 2011.
* Qiang Huang, Ling-Yun Wu, Xiang-Sun Zhang. [CNetA: Network alignment by combining biological and tolopogical features|]. ISB 2012, 220-225.
* Qiang Huang, Ling-Yun Wu, Xiang-Sun Zhang. [Corbi: A new R package for biological network alignment and querying|]. BMC Systems Biology, 7(S2):S6, 2013.
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The developmental information of Corbi can be found at R-Forge:
* [Corbi|]
!!Stable version
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To download and install this package directly within R, type:
The stable version of [R|] package Corbi can be found at CRAN:
* []
as well as R-Forge:
* []
To install this package directly within R, type:
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!!Source code and developmental version
The source code and developmental version of Corbi can be found at GitHub:
* []
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Category: [Supplementary] [Software]
Category: [Software]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
10 22-Jun-2016 23:09 1.794 kB LingyunWu to previous
9 22-Jun-2016 23:08 1.798 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
8 22-Jun-2016 23:05 1.361 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
7 22-Jun-2016 23:04 1.365 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
6 22-Jun-2016 23:02 1.323 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
5 01-Jul-2013 16:06 1.07 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
4 13-Nov-2012 09:10 1.068 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
3 11-Nov-2012 23:17 1.072 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
2 11-Nov-2012 23:11 1.088 kB LingyunWu to previous | to last
1 11-Nov-2012 23:10 1.086 kB LingyunWu to last
« This page (revision-10) was last changed on 22-Jun-2016 23:09 by LingyunWu